Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sharing Is Caring

Hello everybody…

In this post I want to share my experience during this project. After learn the entire step when develop website from Dr. J, now I can better understand how to make website that related with education. Actually I not education background, so I don’t know how to make website that valuable with the teaching and learning. But now I can understand what the learning theory and how to make that theory related with the project education such as website or course ware.

When develop this project, I make me learn how to work as a team, handle the pressure when happen problem, communicate with my group member and teach the basic principle that should use when develop the theme.

I also wanna to say Thank You so much Dr.J because all the knowledge, skill and experience that i has been enjoy when attend in this class... May Allah bless you...


1 comment:

  1. You're welcome my dear...continue to explore the educational theory and web technology...and you will be fascinated and inspired to learn more..

    Jamal Harun
